Target catalog - full of coupons for toys the kids don't want. Or course!
Wallet stolen from Mona
Receipts for things I will never expense
Receipts for things I will never expense
Checkbook, also missing its holder
Pile-O-Bills. Most of which have not been paid since Aug.
4 way past due parking tickets (don't tell Dave-o-licious)
Package of Nice 'n Clean wipes. Have no idea where they came from.
2 packs of gum
1 tampon
lip gloss
Pomegranate aroma therapy roller ball tube thing
cork from really nice bottle of wine from Pierres
more coupons I have slipped and never used
uber soft Gap gloves
eye allergy relief eye drops
stack of fancy pants business cards
34 pennies, 5 nickels, 8 dimes NOTE: not even 1 quarter. This accounts for above mentions parketing tickets!
bottle of Alieve
1 fuzzy yellow chick
6 pens
bottle of Aveda Elements
Unopened can of Diet Coke