Murray "from Long Island" Schwarts
The Mur
Mur Mur
My Little Heart Mur Mur
Cheesy Poof
Poopy puppy
My Little Tootsie Roll
Puppy Toes
Stinky Butt
Velvet Ear
Licker McLikerstein
What a lucky puppy.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Is this blog dead?
I keep pretending that I will update this blog. I don't. I haven't. But will I? Its kind of funny. I have come across many blogs in the past few months and the subject of not updating has been written about many times over.
What is it about not updating that causes such shame? Or is it guilt? If so. About what? I mean. Who really cares? Who reads them anyway? Our friends? Our friends know what is going on with our lives. Is it the chance that some stranger will come across our thoughts? Feelings? They are strangers. Is it that we care that they have noticed that we have dropped this ball. Will they think it is just one more ball in a long line of others? Will they realize it is one more project we have failed to see through to fruition? Perhaps this question would make a good thesis project. Calling all repressed Psychology students!
I have many of these projects. 3 unfinished knitting projects. Shelves of books unread. A load of laundry still in the dryer destined to only be rewashed again because of the wrinkles. Unpainted crown molding 3 months in the making. Drawers full of bobbles, thread and wire. Will they ever be made into a masterpiece? I can continue.
So here it is. An updated post. Have fun reading. See. I'm not a failure.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Parentals
Papa Peterson, wife Judy and dog Farley came for a visit this past week.
It was their first time back in Minnesota since we were married 2 1/2 years ago. (Has it really been that long?) It was also the first time they have seen the house.
I was very stressed...err...STRESSED about them coming.
Monday night. They finally arrived. They loved the house and I earned major "daughter-in-law of the year" brownie points for making a fantastic meal. They even wrote down the recipe. That's a good sign right?
Tuesday we loaded everyone in the car and headed out to the Arboretum. I had no idea how pretty is was out there! Lots to look at. Behold The Petersons Looking At A Tree:
The biggest highlights of the week were having both sets of parentals around a table again and putting Papa Peterson in his place. See. Papa Peterson likes to be in charge. He tried scolding us for paying for dinner. Said it makes them uncomfortable. I replied with. We are all grown up and we can pay for dinner if we want to! We also "fought" over who was going to wash dishes the next night. He won, but I did put up a reluctant fight by telling him that "this was my house" and I made the rules. Fine. I let him wash the dishes. If it makes the old man happy why not, right?
Watching our folks together is also a real blast. I don't think Papa Peterson understands a thing Greek Papa says due to the heavy accents. Respectively Greek Papa has no idea what to say to Papa Peterson. Fill awkward silences with awkward picture taking......

Over all, pretty good week!
View updated photos here for more fun happenings!
It was their first time back in Minnesota since we were married 2 1/2 years ago. (Has it really been that long?) It was also the first time they have seen the house.
I was very stressed...err...STRESSED about them coming.
Things had to be scrubbed. Closets had to be reorganized. Shoes, handbags, piles of mail had to be hidden from site!
Monday night. They finally arrived. They loved the house and I earned major "daughter-in-law of the year" brownie points for making a fantastic meal. They even wrote down the recipe. That's a good sign right?
Tuesday we loaded everyone in the car and headed out to the Arboretum. I had no idea how pretty is was out there! Lots to look at. Behold The Petersons Looking At A Tree:
The biggest highlights of the week were having both sets of parentals around a table again and putting Papa Peterson in his place. See. Papa Peterson likes to be in charge. He tried scolding us for paying for dinner. Said it makes them uncomfortable. I replied with. We are all grown up and we can pay for dinner if we want to! We also "fought" over who was going to wash dishes the next night. He won, but I did put up a reluctant fight by telling him that "this was my house" and I made the rules. Fine. I let him wash the dishes. If it makes the old man happy why not, right?
Watching our folks together is also a real blast. I don't think Papa Peterson understands a thing Greek Papa says due to the heavy accents. Respectively Greek Papa has no idea what to say to Papa Peterson. Fill awkward silences with awkward picture taking......

Over all, pretty good week!
View updated photos here for more fun happenings!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday Evening. 9:30pm

Are you ok? You seem a little depressed lately?
Really? I replied. I don't think I'm depressed, just a little bored.
It is interesting being asked if you are depressed. I really don't think I am. But. If I was. Would I know?
The days are flying by and I don't seem to be getting much done. I keep thinking about my "things I want to get done" list and never seem to get them started. Is this a sign of depression? Oh God. My hypochondriac tendencies are currently in overdrive.
I think three things are happening.
TV is sucking my brain cells out. I may have to put a limit on my couch potato-ness. There was a time that I never watched TV. Really. Well, the occasional late night news, but not much more.
Now. Reality TV. Bravo. So You Think You Can Dance. Flipping Out. PR. It needs to stop. And. It needs to stop now!
I've been feeling a bit lonely. I hardly ever see my friends. I hardly make time to plan things with my friends. All I do is go to work. Go home. Feed the dog. Watch TV.
No dinner parties.
No shopping escapades
No discovering new hole in the wall restaurants.
Dave-O-licious and I work stupid stupid hours. We never get to see each other. I get home at 7pm. He gets home at 8:30. I feed the dog. Wait for him to come home. We eat. Watch TV. Go to bed. Repeat.
This all needs to change. I know that I need to change them. We always have fun together. But. We used to be way more active. We can't let our jobs run our life.
My goals:
To have a less scheduled life. We are way to busy. We need to be spontaneous. Like we used to be.
Do house chores on the weeknights leaving time for fun times on the weekends
Reinvest in my hobbies. I haven't picked up needle and thread for months and months.
Find new projects to be inspired by. I have one in mind. I will accomplish it!
Update this damn blog with all the new and exciting things I have been up to.
There. Done and Done.
I am still not depressed. Just a little less bored.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Horse Girl

Last night was no different.
It was late at night and I was home, when suddenly I hear really odd noises outside. I walk out the front door and look down the street. A tall black horse is stumbling down the street. He was obviously drunk. Like, he wouldn't be able to pass the "walk this straight line" test if his life depended on it drunk.
When I got close I realized that he was not drunk, but tied up and he needed help. My help. I ran down the street and called animal control to come pick him up.
I untied him and instantly he because my new little buddy. I took him inside the house. He sat on the couch. He put his head in my lab. He was like my shadow following me around. Then. Knock. Knock on the door. Animal control. This was not good. I couldn't possibly let them take my horse! It was sad. Like Sophie's Choice sad. My horse was ripped from my clutches! I cried. He kept looking at with his big sad eyes through the back of the car.
Hello!? What does this all mean?!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tick Tock
They say everyone gets 15 minutes of fame. Mine are apparently over. Can you hear the tick ticking of the clock?
I did a cut and paste of my little blog about lettuce the other day on Cnn's Ireport site and mayhem ensued. Literally 1 minute after I posted it 34 people had viewed it. Press Refresh. 85 people viewed it. Press Refresh again...120 people. What the?
About an hour later I...little ol' me...gets a phone call from CNN!! They talked about ME on air!!! I'm famous. I was on the homepage of all day.
I know. I'm a dork, but it is kind of cool to have all these people reading what I have to say! I mean I was voted "most newsiest"! I got messages from people asking how I got my report on air!
Two days later, I still rank as #2 for most read. Although I have apparently lost my lead to the apparent UFO siting over Phoenix. Stupid aliens!
But. Alas.
So far my $1.69 lettuce has received 10,170 views, 180 comments.
Take a look. Who knows how long I'll be left on there!
Monday, April 21, 2008

I've been trying really really hard to not complain about the economy. After all, I am a commission sales rep and the media's incessant need to present an environment of doom and gloom does not, and I repeat does not, help my cause. Happy, secure clients spend money. Clients so fear struck that I have to pry them out of the fetal position DO NOT spend money.
Well, last night I reached my limit. I paid $1.69 for a head of iceberg lettuce. Yes, I know the price of milk, eggs and gas have been going up exponentially, but this just tipped me over the edge. Organic mixed greens? Fancy leafy greens? Those handy-dandy bags of pre-washed salad mixes? Sure. But, iceberg lettuce? I am outraged!
Alas. I bought it. And. It is tasted fucking good, sitting on my deck, eating the first grilled burger of the season.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Brown Paper Packages
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
What has become of me?
I'm not exactly sure when it happened.
I think it was a slow evolution.
One minute I was one thing and then I became another.
What, you may ask have I become? I don't even know if I can put it into words...
You see, I was the girl who once was quoted saying, "Trees. Yeah, they kind of freak me out."
What ever happened to that person; complete urbanite, Concrete Jungle and all?
One day, as I was minding my own city slicker business, I met this guy. I called him "Nature Boy." I thought it was cute that he would hike around and knew all this weird stuff about bugs, and trees and other things you find out the country.
Fast forward 4 years and where do I find myself? CABELAS!!
When did driving 20 minutes into the land of Suburbia become an acceptable Sunday romp? What happened to spending a Sunday afternoon with my nose pressed up to the Anthropologie windows wishing my size 16 ass would fit into their size 8 pants? What happened to thinking places like Woodbury were the country? What happened to being afraid of trees!!!!!
I just bought a $200 GORE-TEX rain suite....TO GO FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My clothes used to be labeled with little tags that read"dry clean only." Now?
"GORE-TEX® laminate delivers unmatched breathable, waterproof and windproof qualities"
To further cement that I truly am currently experiencing an identity crisis I just booked a fishing trip for the above fore mentioned "Nature Boy's" birthday. In Missouri. The man on the other line just got done telling me that the wives who come down usually prefer to do their grocery shopping for the meals- they will be cooking- before they come down seeing as the nearest Wal Mart Super Center is about 20 minutes from the resort. The nearest restaurant is next to the Wal Mart!
Now lets just get one thing straight. Crankers does not do Wal Mart, and she certainly does not, nor will she ever do a Wal Mart Super Center!
So as a recap:
1. I own a mini van
2. I own an outfit made out of Gor-Tex
3. I own not 1, but 2 fishing poles
4. I own a tackle box, with a lot of stuff in it
5. I booked a hotel room with a kitchenette, in which I will be forced to cook meals in- ON MY VACATION!
All I can say is that I better catch a freaking fish...a big one. I may even stuff it and hang it on the wall!
I think it was a slow evolution.
One minute I was one thing and then I became another.
What, you may ask have I become? I don't even know if I can put it into words...
You see, I was the girl who once was quoted saying, "Trees. Yeah, they kind of freak me out."
What ever happened to that person; complete urbanite, Concrete Jungle and all?
One day, as I was minding my own city slicker business, I met this guy. I called him "Nature Boy." I thought it was cute that he would hike around and knew all this weird stuff about bugs, and trees and other things you find out the country.
Fast forward 4 years and where do I find myself? CABELAS!!
When did driving 20 minutes into the land of Suburbia become an acceptable Sunday romp? What happened to spending a Sunday afternoon with my nose pressed up to the Anthropologie windows wishing my size 16 ass would fit into their size 8 pants? What happened to thinking places like Woodbury were the country? What happened to being afraid of trees!!!!!
I just bought a $200 GORE-TEX rain suite....TO GO FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My clothes used to be labeled with little tags that read"dry clean only." Now?
"GORE-TEX® laminate delivers unmatched breathable, waterproof and windproof qualities"
To further cement that I truly am currently experiencing an identity crisis I just booked a fishing trip for the above fore mentioned "Nature Boy's" birthday. In Missouri. The man on the other line just got done telling me that the wives who come down usually prefer to do their grocery shopping for the meals- they will be cooking- before they come down seeing as the nearest Wal Mart Super Center is about 20 minutes from the resort. The nearest restaurant is next to the Wal Mart!
Now lets just get one thing straight. Crankers does not do Wal Mart, and she certainly does not, nor will she ever do a Wal Mart Super Center!
So as a recap:
1. I own a mini van
2. I own an outfit made out of Gor-Tex
3. I own not 1, but 2 fishing poles
4. I own a tackle box, with a lot of stuff in it
5. I booked a hotel room with a kitchenette, in which I will be forced to cook meals in- ON MY VACATION!
All I can say is that I better catch a freaking fish...a big one. I may even stuff it and hang it on the wall!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What's in your drawer?
A total stranger just made my day.
I've been lusting over the Nelson miniature chest of drawers for 2 years, but could never justify the $1300.

Today...on this dreary day to end all days I hopped onto one of my favorite web sites and found this fantastic DIY project someone made.
She to must have gazed longingly at this beautiful piece before coming up with this brilliant, although admittedly not as refined look alike.
I'm totally going to copy her idea! Off to IKEA!
Friday, March 07, 2008
On A Roll
I'm telling you, everything you've heard about meal planning is true.
It is a complete pain in the ass, but necessary to keeping a happy home. I wonder if week two will be as productive. I've been on a roll and have cooked a brand new homemade meal every day this week. Well...except for Tuesday. That's when Norwego and I went shopping. I got a fab new jacket and a hot new dress that I'm currently rocking!
Back to the cooking.
It is a complete pain in the ass, but necessary to keeping a happy home. I wonder if week two will be as productive. I've been on a roll and have cooked a brand new homemade meal every day this week. Well...except for Tuesday. That's when Norwego and I went shopping. I got a fab new jacket and a hot new dress that I'm currently rocking!
Back to the cooking.
Wednesday was spicy jerk chicken. It was an homage to previous Project Runway dinners. Norwego and I cooked up a fabulous feast for Dave-o-licous. The two wives in the kitchen. Wonder if that turned him on?
Last night...Asian Pork Sandwiches. Some may say even as good, if not better than Jasmine's. This may be my new favorite. It had all my favorite flavors. Hoisen, a little kick from the chili paste, tang from the rice vinegar, fresh cilantro and basil. It was to die for! I may also try it sometime soon as an appetizer. Perhaps served as lettuce wraps or topped on crostinni.
Last night...Asian Pork Sandwiches. Some may say even as good, if not better than Jasmine's. This may be my new favorite. It had all my favorite flavors. Hoisen, a little kick from the chili paste, tang from the rice vinegar, fresh cilantro and basil. It was to die for! I may also try it sometime soon as an appetizer. Perhaps served as lettuce wraps or topped on crostinni.
Tonight we feast on leftovers!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Mush Bread
I turned into a happy homemaker last night. It was so cute that I could barely stand myself!
Picture this:
It was delicious! The entire house smelled of cinnamon and sugar. I never, EVER bake, so this smell was something new to us all.
Picture this:
Me in my super cute kitchen, apron, baby blue Kitchen Aid mixer in the background.
Puppy following me around like a little black shadow.
I made the most delicious dinner in no more than 20 minutes.
Creamy orzo with marinated grape tomatoes and fresh basil. The combination of white wine vinegar and a hint of Dijon mustard with the creamy base was a thing of genius!
While this was all cooking, I started on my cake batter. My co-worker gave me the starter to something she called Mush Bread. I was a little worried. Turns out it is some sort of Amish bread. Somehow you get your hands on this super secret starter that only the Amish know how to make. Then you mush the starter for 5 days in a plastic Ziploc bag, on the 6th you mix in milk, flour and sugar. You mush for another 4 days.
If you can get past the fact that this bag full of flour and milk has been sitting out on your counter unrefrigerated for the last few days, you get to the point when,on the 10th day, you mix in some more eggs, milk, flour and sugar, etc. You separate that into 5 equal parts. They call it Friendship Bread because you keep one starter for yourself and give your friends the other 4. The cycle continues. If you add a box of instant vanilla pudding to the mix it changes the bread into more of a coffeecake, which is what I did.
If you can get past the fact that this bag full of flour and milk has been sitting out on your counter unrefrigerated for the last few days, you get to the point when,on the 10th day, you mix in some more eggs, milk, flour and sugar, etc. You separate that into 5 equal parts. They call it Friendship Bread because you keep one starter for yourself and give your friends the other 4. The cycle continues. If you add a box of instant vanilla pudding to the mix it changes the bread into more of a coffeecake, which is what I did.
It was delicious! The entire house smelled of cinnamon and sugar. I never, EVER bake, so this smell was something new to us all.

It was really nice to have Dave-o-licious walk in the back door after a long, hard day of work and have the house smelling of dinner and fresh bake goodness. Awww, to be a housewife....
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Fine. Alright. Ok. I will! I suck. I have nothing to say.
These have all been things I have responded with when friends have asked, "Why no update?"
I actually do have a lot to say although laziness, illness, parties, and cleaning keep getting in the way. I will be back. Mark my words. I will be back.
These have all been things I have responded with when friends have asked, "Why no update?"
I actually do have a lot to say although laziness, illness, parties, and cleaning keep getting in the way. I will be back. Mark my words. I will be back.
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