Are you ok? You seem a little depressed lately?
Really? I replied. I don't think I'm depressed, just a little bored.
It is interesting being asked if you are depressed. I really don't think I am. But. If I was. Would I know?
The days are flying by and I don't seem to be getting much done. I keep thinking about my "things I want to get done" list and never seem to get them started. Is this a sign of depression? Oh God. My hypochondriac tendencies are currently in overdrive.
I think three things are happening.
TV is sucking my brain cells out. I may have to put a limit on my couch potato-ness. There was a time that I never watched TV. Really. Well, the occasional late night news, but not much more.
Now. Reality TV. Bravo. So You Think You Can Dance. Flipping Out. PR. It needs to stop. And. It needs to stop now!
I've been feeling a bit lonely. I hardly ever see my friends. I hardly make time to plan things with my friends. All I do is go to work. Go home. Feed the dog. Watch TV.
No dinner parties.
No shopping escapades
No discovering new hole in the wall restaurants.
Dave-O-licious and I work stupid stupid hours. We never get to see each other. I get home at 7pm. He gets home at 8:30. I feed the dog. Wait for him to come home. We eat. Watch TV. Go to bed. Repeat.
This all needs to change. I know that I need to change them. We always have fun together. But. We used to be way more active. We can't let our jobs run our life.
My goals:
To have a less scheduled life. We are way to busy. We need to be spontaneous. Like we used to be.
Do house chores on the weeknights leaving time for fun times on the weekends
Reinvest in my hobbies. I haven't picked up needle and thread for months and months.
Find new projects to be inspired by. I have one in mind. I will accomplish it!
Update this damn blog with all the new and exciting things I have been up to.
There. Done and Done.
I am still not depressed. Just a little less bored.