I keep pretending that I will update this blog. I don't. I haven't. But will I? Its kind of funny. I have come across many blogs in the past few months and the subject of not updating has been written about many times over.
What is it about not updating that causes such shame? Or is it guilt? If so. About what? I mean. Who really cares? Who reads them anyway? Our friends? Our friends know what is going on with our lives. Is it the chance that some stranger will come across our thoughts? Feelings? They are strangers. Is it that we care that they have noticed that we have dropped this ball. Will they think it is just one more ball in a long line of others? Will they realize it is one more project we have failed to see through to fruition? Perhaps this question would make a good thesis project. Calling all repressed Psychology students!
I have many of these projects. 3 unfinished knitting projects. Shelves of books unread. A load of laundry still in the dryer destined to only be rewashed again because of the wrinkles. Unpainted crown molding 3 months in the making. Drawers full of bobbles, thread and wire. Will they ever be made into a masterpiece? I can continue.
So here it is. An updated post. Have fun reading. See. I'm not a failure.