Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Contents of a 2 Gallon Purse: An Ode to Mme Piggy

Macy's catalog

Target catalog - full of coupons for toys the kids don't want. Or course!

Wallet stolen from Mona

Receipts for things I will never expense

Checkbook, also missing its holder

Pile-O-Bills. Most of which have not been paid since Aug.

4 way past due parking tickets (don't tell Dave-o-licious)

Package of Nice 'n Clean wipes. Have no idea where they came from.

2 packs of gum

1 tampon

lip gloss

Pomegranate aroma therapy roller ball tube thing

cork from really nice bottle of wine from Pierres

more coupons I have slipped and never used

uber soft Gap gloves

eye allergy relief eye drops

stack of fancy pants business cards

34 pennies, 5 nickels, 8 dimes NOTE: not even 1 quarter. This accounts for above mentions parketing tickets!

bottle of Alieve

1 fuzzy yellow chick

6 pens

bottle of Aveda Elements

Unopened can of Diet Coke

Monday, November 06, 2006

A List

1. It is Monday morning and all i can think about is the weekend. See. You have off on Saturday (I'm ignoring the 1/2 day) which means that we get to play, play, play.
2. Your loaf is better than my loaf. We can't be good at everything I guess.
3. My favorite days are the ordinary ones. The ones in which we wake up, make eggs and just hang out. I love my life. I love that ordinary days can be the best days. The days I most look foward too.
4. You look pretty cute in dust covered blue jeans.
5. Don't you think our underpants will look better in the drawers than the floor?
6. Da Bears.
7. Da Vikings
8. Here's to movies with no endings
9. Thanks for waking me up every morning
10. We'll always have the soggy hugs.